When all of us "stroke wives" were in the depths of grief, problem solving, mastering the juggling act of so many roles, I joked that what we each really needed was a "sister wife". I'm sure the idea came from my adoration, commitment, and obsession with HBO's "Big Love" series.
We each needed someone who loved our stroke-survivor husband as much as we did, was willing to stay "knee-deep" in the trenches of this post-stroke life, and be a support system, shoulder to cry on, and another adult brain in-the-room to help make decisions for us stroke-wives.

So... "I'd like to thank the academy".... of aphasia, apraxia, epilepsy, neurology, ... To all of 'the therapies'.... you know who you are ;-) ...
And to my stroke wife sisters... *tear* ... I don't know where I would be without you, both mentally and physically, if I had not had you to share AND CONTINUE TO SHARE this unique, forever altering journey.
LOVE YOU 'sisters'!
Love. From Traci ;)